Docs Challenge 2: The Business Letter, Part 2

The Business Letter, Part 1

Challenge Summary:

  • Write a one-page “Block Style” Business letter (see sample below) to a local business using Google Docs. 
  • Your letter is a response to poor service received at that business. Feel free to use any real-life examples you, your friends or family may have had in real-life. It can be as simple as someone treating you not giving you your change, food poisoning or even racism. 
  • You goal is to detail what happened and how you hope the business will fix the situation for you. 
  • Please note, you need to make a reasonable demand. If you ask for too much, the other person will just throw the letter away, so keep that in mind.


3) Watch Video 2: Writing Your Letter.
4) Look at the SAMPLE (block-style-business-letter-block-style-business-letter.jpg)
5) Open your own version of 'DocsChallenge2: Business Letter'.
6) Write your letter using Google Docs to Edit and Format your file according to the included             Rubric.


To complete this assignment you MUST login and do the work throgh Google Classroom. All relevant material and link are posted there.


If you have not received an invitation or are having difficulty with Classroom please email me as soon as possible at:
