IP 10 Unit 5.1: Using Google Docs


One of the most important skills you learn on a computer is how to use a word processor. 

Word processors are programs or apps that allow you to take your thoughts from your brain and make them real. They allow you to express yourself in many useful ways. 

Need a job? Write a resume and cover letter. 

Feeling creative? Write a short story.

Want to get better grades? Learn an essay.

In all of these cases, you could write them by hand. In the truly olden times, in the time of quill and ink, that's the only way people could communicate long distance. Later there were typewriters, but that was a specialized skill. Now everyone is expected to be able to use a word processor and be able to type.

Today, we will begin looking at Google Docs. It's a mostly 'free' app that is available almost anywhere you have access to the internet and a browser. It is based on the industry-standard, Microsoft Windows. which is a lot more powerful, but also more expensive. 

For now, we will begin by looking at Google Docs. If we have time later, we will also look at Microsoft word.

Using Google Docs

Test Your Knowledge:

It is highly suggested that you open up a blank Google Doc and try things out as decide on your answers.

To finish this assignment, you MUST log-in to Google Classroom. Please follow the instructions below.

Logging Into Google Classroom:

See if you understand what you watched by using the following Google Form. To sign-in, please click on the following class link and sign in using your Gmail Account below.

Quad 2: Information Processing 20

Finding Google Classroom in your Browser:

After which, you can check your classroom directly through an app (available on smartphone, tablet or even Xbox or Playstation) or through a web browser. 

  1. Log into your Gmail account.
  2. In the top right corner of your window, look for the number pad.
  3. Scroll down near the bottom.
  4. Click on the Classroom App Icon. 
