IP10 Unit 1.1: Email

Email and You:

Greetings students! 

Today we will start this class by talking about something that you may already know how to do - using email.

Now, I know many of you may be thinking, I already have one. That's fine. You don't have to change it.

However, for this class, you will be expected to use your school OLEDU account. 

Why, because it is school and work-friendly. 

That means no swear words or sick references to things that would make an elder blush. 

Not only that but outside email accounts will not work when you are trying to hand in your work.

The reason why all of this is important is simple.

Emails are an important part of everyday life. 

Much like a home address, they allow people to be able to find you. 

While it's not quite like having a home on the internet, it is pretty close. 

Most services like social media, bills and utilities require you to have one. 
It is like a key that helps open up the potential the internet offers.

When you meet people online, it may be the first impression they have of you as a person.

This is why it's important to make a good first impression, just like in real life. 

So while you will not need to make an email address today, it's important to understand why it's important to you now and in the future.

Not many people want to be known as 'powerprincesslol@gmail.com' for the rest of their lives. 

At some point, you will want to be taken seriously.

Luckily, email addresses can be discarded as easily as they are made.

One last thing. 

This is for marks. 

Send me an email. 

Say hello, tell me your name and anything else you think I should know.

astrumecki@oledu.ca if you have questions.
